• Dolley Madison
    Consolidated Cigar Company
    First Family
    This portrait of Dolley Madison, titled "Mrs. James Madison," is from a series of tobacco cards produced by the Consolidated Cigar Company between 1889 and 1893. First Lady Dolley Madison was a popular White House hostess while her husband, President James Madison, served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817.
  • Jane M. Pierce
    Consolidated Cigar Company
    First Family
    This illustration of First Lady Jane Means Appleton Pierce was created by the Consolidated Cigar Company. This portrait of Mrs. Pierce, along with several other first ladies, were featured on a series of tobacco cards printed by the company. The daughter of a Congregationalist minister, Mrs. Pierce discouraged her husband's political ambitions, fainting at the news he was selected as the Democratic nominee for president. During her husband's years in office from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857, Mrs. Pierce had to exert herself to meet the social obligations of a first lady. A devout woman, she suffered heavily from the deaths of all three of her children including her son Benjamin, who was killed in a train accident just prior to his father's inauguration.
  • Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
    Consolidated Cigar Company
    This illustrated portrait of First Lady Lucretia Rudolph Garfield was created by the Consolidated Cigar Company. Her portrait is one in a series of printed tobacco cards featuring the images of several first ladies. After the assassination of her husband, President James Garfield, in 1881, Mrs. Garfield left the White House to return to their home in Ohio. She would eventually add a wing to the home to house his presidential papers.
  • Lucy Webb Hayes
    Consolidated Cigar Company
    This illustrated portrait of First Lady Lucy Webb Hayes was featured on a series of tobacco cards by the Consolidated Cigar Company around 1889-1893. Mrs. Hayes, the wife of President Rutherford B. Hayes, was the first first lady to graduate from college, earning her degree from Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College in 1850. She was an abolitionist and supporter of the temperance movement. Together, she and President Hayes raised five children.